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      英邦翻譯社在為客戶提供服務之餘,更努力充實並累積翻譯經驗,不斷提升本翻譯社的財經法律翻譯專業,我們從過去中外各式的翻譯案例中吸收到寶貴的心得與技巧,將全部無私運用在客戶所委託的案件中。希望客戶能與我們長期合作,共同努力,創造事業的高峰。您針對翻譯有任何的需要,英邦國際翻譯社 將盡力為您配合處理,包括交件時間、翻譯品質、保密協定、以及價格要求,英邦國際翻譯團隊充分與客戶溝通與說明,讓您放心將文件交予,安心期待我們為您提供的財經法律翻譯服務。

      在此數位科技進步的時代,雖有許多的翻譯軟體可暫時提供語言翻譯的服務,但仍無法完全做到「信、達、雅」之標準,人性化的服務與翻譯水準,是數位機器無法替代的特色。客戶將文章交由 英美財法翻譯社為您翻譯,英邦國際翻譯社 將以最認真的態度為您挑選譯者、進行翻譯、校對原稿、控制時程。客戶對我們的要求,就是我們對自己的要求,客戶所交付的文章,在 英邦國際翻譯社 的努力下,將給客戶最滿意的回覆。



英邦國際翻譯社 擁有專業的翻譯服務團隊,由國內外各領域具有專業背景及經驗豐富的法律、財務、金融、會計及相關領域專業人士所組成,包含經驗豐富的律師級相關領域專業人士、專業財務會計及各類專業人士完成翻譯任務。英邦國際翻譯社為您嚴選的譯者,不僅有優秀的語言背景,畢業於各大專院校翻譯研究所及各國語言研究所、成長於各國母語的在地專業人士、豐富的翻譯經驗,具有翻譯專業文獻、書籍、合約,以及各式大小篇幅文章、也包括各行各業中精英專業人士的隨時支援,提供需要的即時協助。

  • 英邦國際翻譯社 翻譯領域包括法律相關文件 【如法規條款、判決書及其他類型法律文件】、商業合約【包括買賣合約、授權合約、僱用合約及其他種類合約】、財務報表、公開說明書、會計師查核報告、經濟、銀行、保險、投資、理財、會計、論文、各類型操作手冊。


Legal Translation

法律翻譯包含契約書(買賣契約書、授權代理契約書、商標授權契約書、軟體授權契約書、技術授權契約書、貸款契約書、委任書、保密契約、投資承諾書、保證書、股份購買契約書、租賃契約書、工作規則、合作備忘錄、合作意向書、招標契約書、讓渡契約書等)、保密協定、備忘錄、公司章程、股東會議事規則、董事會會議紀錄、公開說名書、法令規章、條約規則、政府公文、外國法律、外國法令規章、法院通知書、判決書、及律師函等法律文件。以上均需具備專業知識及用詞精準的翻譯人士才能完成,對於高度要求正確性和嚴謹性的法律文件來說,每一個字都不可輕忽,法律用字可謂差之毫厘、失之千里,如何能夠掌握文件內容確實的意涵,進而正確的表達正確精準的想法和立場,是避免後續無謂爭執和費用支出的關鍵。同時由於法律語言句式通常特別冗長、結構複雜,並特別講求整理出相關句子間的邏輯關係,因此翻譯的難度要比其他類型翻譯更大一些,精確性與邏輯性為法律翻譯兩大基本要求。法律翻譯人士必須同時具備高度語言能力與專業素養,俾能完成精確且符合邏輯性的法律文件翻譯。Legal translation involves translating terminology and concepts related to the field of law, which adds to the complexity of the process. Legal translation necessitates the requirement of professional translation providers who are specialized and substantially experienced in the field of legal translation.Critical documents such as legal contracts require the utmost attention and expertise to ensure an accurate legal translation. A professional legal translation can make the difference in preventing future legal contingencies and can ensure that the correct legal meaning is conveyed as interpreted by the judicial system. Further, accurate legal translations require legal translators who have a thorough understanding of legal nomenclature, legal processes and systems, as well as the industry and subject matter at hand.Our legal translator selection procedures and continuous monitoring process ensure that your legal translation project is facilitated with the best resources in the legal arena. Rigorous translator testing and evaluation procedures combined with careful project monitoring enable us to deliver a clear, effective legal translation.


Financial Statements Translation

財經翻譯就是將各種財經文件中英互譯,當中以上市公司所發佈的文件為主。既然是財經翻譯,數字自然很多,而這特色亦是財經翻譯最容易產生失誤的地方。財經翻譯其實是一種跨行業別的產品,涉及的專業包括會計、法律、物業管理、會計師等等,其中許多的專業詞彙看來與日常用語相同,但實在另有所指。譯者必須憑藉專業知識與翻譯經驗,按照上下文的敘述來確定詞彙實質的意義。根據專業分析,財經文體類型與其特點包含-- 金融市場報導:力求行文簡潔、用語通俗,訊息具時效性。 財經政策報告:力求用字正式而嚴謹,行文邏輯清晰而細密。 經濟預測及市場展望:力求文字精簡且邏輯縝密,並搭配圖表和數據。譯者應具備優異的語文能力,包含熟悉中英文市場用語與財經詞彙,以及良好的寫作能力;更需具備豐富的財經知識,包含瞭解總體經濟概念、重要經濟數據、重要財經政策意含、金融市場動向、產業、財經法律、信用評等、外匯操作等。同時財經翻譯經常是時間緊迫,題材廣泛,字數多且文詞艱深,譯者不僅須有足夠專業能力,同時應具備抗壓性方能愉快勝任。英邦國際翻譯社秉持上述的需求為您精選最合適的優秀翻譯人員,為您進行財經文件的翻譯工作。As with legal documents, financial documents tend to have a language all of their own. Critical documents such as financial reports and financial prospectuses require the utmost attention and expertise to ensure accuracy. So, when undertaking financial translation it is vital that the translator in question is not only an expert linguist, but also that they have a solid background in finance and are aware of the conventions that exist in both the source and the target country. We have translators that specialize in all areas of finance and our experienced project managers are practiced at finding the right translator for your documents.All translations remain confidential. Our translators are sensitive to the nature of financial documentation and understand the need to keep all information strictly confidential. Our project managers with financial training are skilled in both project planning and quality control. We also provide our clients an option for quality assurance, in which a completed project is proofread by a second financial translation expert.


Business Contract Translation

契約(或合約),是雙方當事人基於意思表示合致而成立的法律行為,為私法自治的主要表現。一般而言,契約是指私法上的法律行為,可分為債權契約(例如買賣)、物權契約(例如所有權移轉登記)及身分契約(例如結婚)等,不過在公法上也可能存在契約關係(例如 行政契約)。在民法上,狹義的契約(即債權契約)為債之發生的原因之一,而一般僅稱契約時所指稱者也多屬債權契約。契約行為並不等於「契約書」,一份契約書中可能包含不只一個契約行為;契約行為也不以做成書面為必要,契約原則上為諾成且不要物的法律行為,只有在例外情形,基於特殊考量(例如公益)時法律會明文要求。契約是以雙方當事人互相對立合致的意思表示所構成的,其中包括要約及承諾兩個基本的意思表示。要約是表意人所發出,欲得到相對人承諾而發生一定私法上效力的意思表示。承諾則是針對要約所為的肯定答覆,承諾的內容必須和該要約的內容完全一致,否則即為新要約而非承諾。應與要約區分的是要約之引誘,其並非意思表示,而是觀念通知,為準法律行為之一種,不生要約拘束力。In common law legal systems, a contract (or informally known as an agreement in some jurisdictions) is an agreement having a lawful object entered into voluntarily by two or more parties, each of whom intends to create one or more legal obligations between them. The elements of a contract are "offer" and "acceptance" by "competent persons" having legal capacity who exchange "consideration" to create "mutuality of obligation. A contract is a legally enforceable promise or undertaking that something will or will not occur. The word promise can be used as a legal synonym for contract although care is required as a promise may not have the full standing of a contract, as when it is an agreement without consideration. Contracts are widely used in commercial law, and form the legal foundation for transactions across the world. Common examples include construction contracts, product purchases (with associated warranties of quality), software licenses, employment contracts, insurance policies, real estate deeds to transfer title, professional services, wholesalemerchandise supply, and various other uses. Online contracts have become common. E-signature laws have made the electronic contract and signature as legally valid as a paper contract. It has been estimated that roughly 110 electronic contracts are signed every second.


Financial Accounting Translation

財經翻譯就是將各種財經文件中英互譯,當中以上市公司所發佈的文件為主。既然是財經翻譯,數字自然很多,而這特色亦是財經翻譯最容易產生失誤的地方。財經翻譯其實是一種跨行業別的產品,涉及的專業包括會計、法律、物業管理、會計師等等,其中許多的專業詞彙看來與日常用語相同,但實在另有所指。譯者必須憑藉專業知識與翻譯經驗,按照上下文的敘述來確定詞彙實質的意義。根據專業分析,財經文體類型與其特點包含-- 金融市場報導:力求行文簡潔、用語通俗,訊息具時效性。 財經政策報告:力求用字正式而嚴謹,行文邏輯清晰而細密。 經濟預測及市場展望:力求文字精簡且邏輯縝密,並搭配圖表和數據。譯者應具備優異的語文能力,包含熟悉中英文市場用語與財經詞彙,以及良好的寫作能力;更需具備豐富的財經知識,包含瞭解總體經濟概念、重要經濟數據、重要財經政策意含、金融市場動向、產業、財經法律、信用評等、外匯操作等。同時財經翻譯經常是時間緊迫,題材廣泛,字數多且文詞艱深,譯者不僅須有足夠專業能力,同時應具備抗壓性方能愉快勝任。英邦國際翻譯社秉持上述的需求為您精選最合適的優秀翻譯人員,為您進行財經文件的翻譯工作。As with legal documents, financial documents tend to have a language all of their own. Critical documents such as financial reports and financial prospectuses require the utmost attention and expertise to ensure accuracy. So, when undertaking financial translation it is vital that the translator in question is not only an expert linguist, but also that they have a solid background in finance and are aware of the conventions that exist in both the source and the target country. We have translators that specialize in all areas of finance and our experienced project managers are practiced at finding the right translator for your documents.All translations remain confidential. Our translators are sensitive to the nature of financial documentation and understand the need to keep all information strictly confidential. Our project managers with financial training are skilled in both project planning and quality control. We also provide our clients an option for quality assurance, in which a completed project is proofread by a second financial translation expert.


Business Letters Translation

商業書信是商務英語寫作中最常見的一種形式,其基本格式與一般的英文書信基本相同。就語體而言,商務書信較一般的私人書信更正式。商業書信的翻譯既要作到準確完整,又要不失禮貌友好,進而達到交際的目的。商業用語因不同的業務範疇而有不同的專業意義,由於商務英語涉及到諸如國際金融合作、國際貿易、國際商務等不同的專業領域,因而顯示出多種行業的特色,翻譯時須特別留意詞彙的選擇性。優秀的商業書信譯者,不僅能掌握商業書信的特點,同時也要具備外貿的專業知識,才能作到既準確地傳遞原文信息,又能體現出原文的語體特徵。英邦國際翻譯社將秉此原則,為您選擇最優秀的譯者,完成您所交付的工作及任務。While emails and Twitter are still widely used for a wide array of business and marketing purposes, snail mail and business letters are still a necessity for most professional companies and private or small businesses. Whether they are response letters, letters of inquiry, or even pamphlets or marketing materials, business letter translation is essential in order to communicate on a global scale. International markets and clients are a day to day focus for many companies, and business letter translation to these parties requires professional quality and accuracy. It becomes imperative for a corporate or business that is performing globally to communicate with their foreign officials in order to convey some important messages and documents. In this aspect, it becomes difficult when the official in any other country do not understand the language that any other business client or company has sent. In order to avoid such critical situations and ease the communication we offer best letter translation services to business and various sectors regardless of large or small. Letter translation services involves the process of translating the letter content with proper format into the desired or targeted languages. Typically, business letter translations are used to establish competence, as with Letters of Recommendation and notations of Superior Performance. All translations by our skilled and professional staff is checked and re-checked for potential errors before they are certified as accurate and correct. Complete and professional business letter translations are correctly and accurately formatted to match the nature of the content. Personal letter translations, including acknowledgment of a previous letter, can be difficult without proper context. Our translators recognize these references and are able to integrate content, if it is provided.

Legal Research and Writing

Theses Translation

學術論文是一種專業性的論述或著作,一般來說,在大專院校中,研究報告指教授指定的學期報告(Term Paper),或研究所中學位候選人所提出的碩士論文(Thesis)或博士論文(Dissertation),或一般研究機構中研究人員或一般學者所提出的學術論文或報告(Academical Essay or Research Report)。論文有其基本程序與內容,通常是針對值得探討的主題,以系統化的方式深入分析,寫作過程必須就所擁有的資料與事證,經由理論或實務驗證,提出看法,成為研究貢獻,並清楚地以流暢且有組織、結構化文字方式表現。論文中的論點不是一些似是而非、或先入為主的偏見,更不是東拼西湊,把有關各家的言論或注釋湊合一起了事,而必須是有事實來證明,支持其理論的成立。因此,作者必須明確地指出資料的來源,說明其求證的過程,以及所尋得的結論。如果結論是引述第三者的言論,則作者必須將所引述的資料來源交代清楚,使讀者亦能按圖索驥,尋得同樣的結論;如果結論是作者自身觀察所得,則必須說明發現真相的經驗與過程,以使讀者在重複同樣的過程與經驗之後,也能發現相同的結論。EMTC 提供論文指導包括擬定論文題目、相關文獻蒐集與閱讀的引導、選擇研究方法、研究結果的呈現與論文寫作,學習本課程將大幅增進學員將自己研究結果,以論理的形式表達出來,並提出具體改進策略的潛力能力、以完成一篇優質的論文內容,具備撰寫期刊論文、學位論文最佳實力。如何寫好學術論文之「緒論」部分(一)「緒論」之寫作所必須掌握的四個重點: 1.問題提出:在進行研究計畫書之撰寫時,必須對「問題提出」部份特別予以重視,惟有自己先搞清楚所欲研究的主題與相關問題究竟是什麼?然後才有可能談論其他問題。2.文獻評論:針對自己所欲研究探討之主題與相關問題,在既存的研究文獻,先瞭解和蒐集既有的研究成果為何?經過一定之處理步驟:概觀(歸類)、摘要、批判、建議,然後找出其優缺點,同時針對其所採研究途徑和研究方法予以批判,進而提出作者個人針對自己探討此一主題和相關問題時,應採取何種研究途徑與方法較為妥適。3.研究途徑、研究架構及研究方法:此三者是具有密切相關的三種概念,必須分辨清楚,同時考量,可視為學位論文的核心或心臟地帶,因而一篇學位論文的成敗,可以說是繫於作者個人對此三者之。若處理得宜,則學位論文較有可看性;若未處理或處理不當,則學位論文會被視為毫無章法。由此可見,吾人在處理學位論文時,對於研究途徑、研究 架構、研究方法等三者,必須予以特別重視。4.論文重點說明:在說明研究途徑、研究架構及研究方法之後,作者宜根據自己所提出的研究架構作適當的佈局,特別是在說明相關之理論與發展史後,必須再針對自己所欲 探討之主題與相關問題加以說明。(二)關於「問題提出」 1.要扣緊研究主題,然後提出相關問題是什麼?有幾個?分別為何? 2.要有問題意識,並針對作者自己所欲探討之主題與相關問題,進行整體性、全方 位的思考。 3.相關重要結構說明如下: (1)研究動機與問題界定──所謂問題之界定,指問題背景、問題內涵(欲 解決何種問題)、研究範圍等。 (2)研究目的、意義、重要性與價值。 (3)是否有「研究假設」?若該論文有「研究假設」,必須先搞清楚研究假 設之定義後,然後審慎處理之。 (4)論文寫作的六個主軸(5WIH)1.What(事項):研究的主題包括哪些事項?2.When(時間):研究的時間範圍約為哪段時間?3.Where(空間):研究的地域範圍為何?4.Who(人物):研究的對象包括哪些人物?5.Why(理由):研究提出的原因為何?6.How(經過、手段):研究當中所涉及的因果關係為何?這六個主軸,最值得處理的為What、Why、How 的問題,頗值吾人循此三主軸之一。

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